On the Safety of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Two independent resources are available for everyone to review the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccine. Both of these resources use data that is open and published by the CDC and government agencies across the globe.

  1. https://openvaers.com/
  2. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/

One of my biggest complaints about the transparency of data available on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Report System is that it’s very clunky and difficult to visualize the trending data that might point out anomalies worth investigating. On the Open VAERS homepage they immediately present the VAERS data in a more readable and understandable infographic.


When you select just the COVID-19 data you immediately see the various categories of graphs you can get.

The mortality graph shows this. The red bar indicates all deaths reported after receiving a type of vaccine. In 2021 the deaths from vaccines went from 420 in 2020 to over 21,000 just 12 months later. In 2022 the deaths reported from vaccines dropped to 11,600. The highest number ever reported in years prior to 2020 was less than 1,000. This surge can only be a result of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Within the first 24 hours, almost 4,000 people lost their lives after receiving the vaccine. Within the first 48 hours, over 7,000 people lost their lives as a result of receiving the experimental injection during these trials the FDA is conducting. Have people given their consent to participate in this trial knowing these adverse events?

The second resource available to people is the World Council for Health website. I think we’ve all heard about the World Health Organization (WHO). This international body helps define health policies around the globe. On their website they recommend “Everyone, everywhere, should have access to COVID-19 vaccines.” There is an entire page devoted to “Generating acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines.” It is very difficult to find any safety and efficacy data they reference. That’s where the World Council for Health comes in. Their mission and vision as they say on their website is:


The World Council for Health brings to the table the world’s best health advocates, doctors, innovators, and activists fighting to achieve good health for all. We work collaboratively with 170+ organizations in 40 countries to advance public health knowledge and sensemaking. Together, we take action to defend health freedom and promote healthy lifestyles.


We believe in a healthy world, where everyone enjoys information transparency, access to proven medicines, and real action in the face of disease – while respecting each individual’s personal health decisions, without fear of discrimination or persecution. We believe in a world where we keep our water and air clean, food uncontaminated, and families together.


In their November 30 press release they discuss a fertility rate drop in correlation to vaccine rollout.

The decline in birth rates was not observed universally at the onset of the pandemic, though a few countries observed a small short-term decline in 2020. However, in a detailed analysis of recent German and Swedish data[10], a concerning pattern emerged. The total fertility rate (TFR) in Germany declined by about 14% and the TFR in Sweden dropped by about 10% nine months following vaccination. No correlation could be made between decreased TFR’s and changes in unemployment, Covid infection rates, or Covid-19 deaths. 


They have two questions about these statistics for the COVID-19 injections that are still in trial studies.

With more data accessible to authorities than at any other time in history, two important questions demand answers:

  1. Do the data reflect these suppositions?
  2. Have the novel Covid-19 genetic injections, given to 5 billion men, women and children worldwide in this short span of time, been investigated as a possible causative agent of excess deaths and declining birth rates? 

In their data they also see a correlation with a higher “rate of those considered ‘fully-vaccinated’, the higher the excess mortality rate.”

A comprehensive report is available from their website on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine rollout.

The next time a doctor says the vaccination program is safe, please print this page or direct them to the WCH website, https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/

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