Amazon Synod and it’s working document are clearly proclaiming a teaching that is not aligned with the true teachings of Christ. That’s what makes these times we are in very uncertain. These types of events do not happen very often. And they are happening with what appears to be two validly elected Pope’s in the church at the same time. Yes, Pope Benedict did resign in 2013 and Pope Francis was elected. But the heretical utterances from Pope Francis can only mean one thing.
Listen to this view from several very respectful Catholic lay people the day before the Amazon Synod began.
And there are several priest, bishops, and cardinals who are concerned about the focus of this synod.
Can any faithful Catholic accept the practices of the pagan worship that was happening in the Vatican gardens and in the Santa Maria in Traspontina church? Is the Magisterium of the Church in support of this pagan ritual that was performed?
Is the Catholic Church being torn apart? Is it being prepared for a great purification? Is it being prepared for the great ‘Era of Peace’ foretold at Fatima?
The Director of the Marian Movement of Priests in the USA, Father Richard Cortese, discusses the “polarization, confusion, high emotion, and the feeling that the Church is being torn apart” felt by the laity in his Commentary on Pope Francis and the Amazon Synod. The Marian Movement of Priests was initiated in 1975 with messages from the Blessed Mother. Our Holy Mother knows the times we are in.
I am particularly close to the Church in these times of her painful trial and her bloody purification. You understand then the significance of my present and so concerned interventions. Today I am intervening in a new, strong and extraordinary way, such as has never hitherto been done, as the Mother who wants to help all her children and as the heavenly Prophetess of these last times of yours. My light which is spreading more and more in hearts and souls — as a rising dawn in the long dark night in which you are still living — is announcing to you that the great day of the Lord is near.
Message 345j, “To My Beloved Priests”
She has also given very encouraging messages from 1973 to the soon to be priests in the movement. Many early messages insist on unity with the Pope (for most of that time it was Pope John Paul II):
4 – For the present [my priests] must be formed in great humility and at my directions: loving and being totally united with the Pope and the Church, living and preaching only the Gospel. This is so necessary today!
5 – I will form you to a great love for the Pope and for the Church united to him. I will prepare you for a heroic witnessing to the Gospel which, for some, will be even to the shedding of their blood.
14 – You priests, whom I am now gathering into my Movement to check this advance of Satan, you must, with the Pope, form a strong barrier. You must propagate his word; you must defend him, because he will have to carry the cross in the midst of the greatest storm in history.
17 – They must prepare themselves; they must be ready to defend the Pope, who is already so very much alone in carrying the cross of the Church; there will even be a time at which, like Jesus on the way to Calvary, he will be as though abandoned by everyone.
23 – That which causes the heart of the Pope to suffer is this world which is so far away from God, the denial of God on the part of so many, this wave of rebellion and of filth which is constantly increasing as though it would inundate everything… At Fatima I foretold of these moments which would come upon the Holy Father, but I also promised him my special assistance and my protection. I will defend him and assist him through you, my priests.
25 – There will soon come a time when only those who are with the Pope will succeed in keeping the faith of my Son and being preserved from the great apostasy that will be spread everywhere.
Messages “To My Beloved Priests” 1973
With the actions of this Pope, is he keeping the faith of her Son?
There are some encouraging and faithful priests, cardinals, and bishops who are speaking out about the Magisterial teachings of the church and doing their best to promote the faith of her son. I like Father Mark Goring’s response to evangelizing in the Amazon:
Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon discuss the synod and the events happening in Rome.
Where will this lead?
An Amazonian bishop is denouncing the “demonic sacrileges” taking place in Rome, confirming that the controversial fertility figure dubbed “Pachamama” is indeed a pagan goddess.
God have mercy on their souls.
And behold, a man from the crowd cried, “Teacher, I beg you to look upon my son, for he is my only child; and behold, a spirit seizes him, and he suddenly cries out; it convulses him till he foams, and shatters him, and will hardly leave him. And I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not.” Jesus answered, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long am I to be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here.” While he was coming, the demon tore him and convulsed him. But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. And all were astonished at the majesty of God.
Luke 9:38-43
Just as Jesus was handed over to His suffering by religious leaders of His time, so too is the ‘Bride of Christ’ being handed over to suffering by religious leaders of this ‘faithless and perverse generation’.
Thoughts on the Amazon Synod by The Catholic Thing:
Kaxinaw Indians in perfect balance on tree branches in the Amazon [Acre, Brazil], 2015
(Photo by Ricardo Stuckert/Caters News Agency)
One thing is certain, something big is about to happen. Big enough to remove any corruption in the church. Big enough to lead us into the great ‘Era of Peace.’ This will not be just a peace in the Church, it will be a peace across all continents, a peace that will last for an extended period of time.