In this series of studies for the month of May we will focus on Marian topics. The first topic will be a high level overview of the:
Modern Marian Apparitions
“to the World”
The modern Marian apparitions start in 1830 in Paris France. Specifically at 140 Rue de Bac in Paris France. In this first of the modern Marian apparitions, Mary reveals a medal to be struck. Although commonly referred to as the Miraculous Medal, it started as the Immaculate Conception medal. The inscription read “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” It would not be for another 24 years before the church would actually approve the Marian Dogma, but yet, here a simple religious sister is given part of the plan that God wishes to reveal at this time. It was only after so many miracles were recorded surrounding people with a devotion to the medal that it became commonly referred to as the Miraculous Medal.

The Miraculous Medal
So many blessings were given as a result of this single apparition, but these apparitions are not meant to be individual events but each is a piece of the puzzle of a larger plan.
After my consecration to Jesus through Mary in 2018, within a few months I was introduced to two organizations that are on the forefront of heralding in a new time for the church. One organization was the Marian Movement of Priests. If you look at the apparition guide that was in 1973 that Fr. Stefano Gobbi started receiving messages from the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. There is a Blue Book written that includes the messages he received during the 20th century. The other organization was started by a religious sister, Sister Anne, who was a Carmelite of 33 years. Sister Anne was inspired by Mary to promote the rule as described to Melanie at LaSalette in 1846. Sister Anne introduces you to her website with a video at .
At the House of Mary OMD website you can read in the Rue de Bac section how Sister Anne believes that Mary’s apparitions form a mosaic and not a checkerboard.
I strongly contend that Mary’s apparitions form a mosaic and not a checkerboard. When some Catholics hear of a newly approved Marian apparition, they are often content with that soundbite: Mary appeared in Akita, Japan. Mary appeared in Rwanda. Mary appeared in Argentina. Period. End of news. They aren’t interested in details because they assume that Mary is just saying the same “old” black and white message—pray and do penance—around the world.
Sister Anne of Yaheweh
She contends that just like the books of the Bible combine together into a single book of God’s loving plan to bring a savior to humanity, so too do these modern Marian apparitions, when viewed as a whole, have threads of truth that weave in and out to reveal another part of that same plan. In these last times, God the Father is allowing His Daughter, God the Spirit His spouse, and God the Son His Mother, to reveal to the prophets what is about to transpire.
Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
AMOS 3:7
As we look over the high level theme of each of the modern apparitions since 1830, we see themes present like devotions, Marian Dogmas, hope, encouragement, conversion, praying the Rosary, communism, chastisement, the anti-christ, and an era of peace through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
For an in depth review of any of these apparitions, you can visit the House of Mary OMD at
Apparitions associated with Marian Dogmas of the church

Apparitions with warnings of Communism/Marxism/FreeMasonry

Modern Marian Apparitions “To the World”, 1830-2030,
01-Rue de Bac Paris,
Marian Movement of Priests,