Based upon the book, To The Priests, Our Ladys Beloved Sons, and the video series at the houseofmayomd.org.
From the website “History of the MMP”
In a message to him on August 29, 1973, Our Lady told Fr. Gobbi: “Whatever I communicate to you, my son, does not belong to you alone, but it is for all my priest-sons, whom I love with predilection.
The Marian Movement of Priests has Expanded in a Powerful Way
Above all it is for the priests of the Marian Movement of Priests whom I love most tenderly and whom I want to form and lead by the hand to prepare them for their great mission.
Therefore gather together in a booklet whatever I have told you…”

And the Blue Book was written as Mother Mary had requested.
Know how to read and to meditate upon that which, in Sacred Scripture, has been clearly described for you to help you understand the time in which you are living. With my motherly voice I am leading you all to understand the signs of the great tribulation. From the Gospels, from the Letters of the Apostles and from the book of the Apocalypse, sure signs have been clearly described for you to make you understand what the period of the great tribulation is. All these signs are in the act of being realized in this time of yours.
The Great Tribulation – message 370 – December 31, 1987
There are a few posts on this site which dive deeper into these mysteries of the imagery of the last book of the Bible, the Apocalypse. This post is the overview that explains the dragon, the Red Dragon, the Black Beast, and the Black Beast like a lamb.
The Red Dragon, Black Beast and Beast like a lamb.
And this post dives into the concept of the Lamb of Zion and the 144,000 who bring a great multitude back to the teachings of Christ.
Lamb and 144,000
Although not spoken of by the Blessed Virgin Mary, this post on the Fall of Babylon was inspired one Sunday afternoon as I was reading chapter 18 and putting it into perspective of recent events that happened in 2020.
The Fall of Babylon
Please use the contact page if you would like a DVD of all the videos in this series from the houseofmaryomd.org site.