Project Veritas reports on what a Google executive shared around the table. Her goal is to prevent the next Trump situation from occurring in 2020.
A Google insider told Project Veritas that PragerU videos receive “heightened analysis,” and the artificial intelligence program, Viacon, polices distribution singling PragerU videos out, among others.

As the exposé reveals, Google is manipulating its algorithms to suppress content specifically from conservatives. Instead of being a platform for all ideas, as it claims to be, Google is now becoming the arbiter of truth, preventing millions of Americans from seeing content that presents a conservative point of view.
In addition, a leaked document shows Google employees calling PragerU “Nazis,” and discussing ways to filter out PragerU content.
This is pure bias, and a step towards eliminating the freedom of speech online.
YouTube continues to restrict many PragerU videos. Fight back. Sign the petition.
Prager University