War on Ivermectin

At the beginning of the Pandemic in December 2020 and early 2021 I wrote a series of articles on ivermectin and its incredibly successful use in treating the Covid-19 virus. https://usralls.org/the-untold-story-ivermectin-wonder-drug/ https://usralls.org/99-per-cent-survival/ https://usralls.org/health-update-ivermectin-anyone/ The War on Ivermectin. Dr. Pierre Kory, has a new book out that highlights the war being waged on this effective treatment [...]

The Warning and Miracle

Interview with the seers The apparitions of Garabandal ended in 1965. The visionaries Conchita, Mari-Loli and Jacinta have, from time to time, granted interviews revealing what they are able to say about the coming worldwide Warning and great Miracle. The source text for these interviews can be found at https://www.garabandal.us/pdfs/The-Warning-and-the-Miracle.pdf THE WARNING CONCHITAMARI-LOLISeptember 14, 1965Q. [...]

99 Per Cent Survival

https://usralls.org/99-per-cent-survival/ Yes, 99% survival is the claim by one doctor who has treated over 1,000 patients of COVID. He achieves this survival rate even for those with COVID in the highest risk categories. How does he do this? He starts the treatment process early with vitamin supplements to boost each person's immune system. But, this [...]