David-n-Vicki’s blog

War on Ivermectin

At the beginning of the Pandemic in December 2020 and early 2021 I wrote a series of articles on ivermectin and its incredibly successful use in treating the Covid-19 virus. https://usralls.org/the-untold-story-ivermectin-wonder-drug/ https://usralls.org/99-per-cent-survival/ https://usralls.org/health-update-ivermectin-anyone/ The War on Ivermectin. Dr. Pierre Kory, has a new book out that highlights the war being waged on this effective treatment [...]

In Defense of Tyconius

This LifeSiteNews.com article discusses "The final confrontation: Examining the end times through the lens of Fatima and Benedict XVI." https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/the-final-confrontation-examining-the-end-times-through-the-lens-of-fatima-and-benedict-xvi/ In it is a reference to an early church theologian named Tyconius. Most people have never heard of Tyconius, but in researching the sayings of Pope Benedict XVI during his pontificate, one can see Tyconius [...]

Will Pope Francis Fulfill Prophecy?

https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/breaking-pope-francis-fulfills-prophecy-finally-visits-russia/ In this short update John-Henry adds details about what has been discovered in Russian news sources in recent days. This places the spotlight on the discussions with the seers of Garabandal. In the article on the interview with the seers, you can find this reference to the events preceding "The Warning" or what some [...]